Friday, November 22, 2013

Finding My Way...

"You want to blog? Find your niche," they said.

"What's your angle?"

"Write about something new..."

So I thought and I thought, and I did some laundry. And I thought. And I went to work. And then to church. And I thought some more. And then I ran a kid to wrestling practice. And then I thought about it some more. And then I CRAZY life IS my niche!

Try to hang with me here...

So...I recently relocated with half of my kids (that's two, of my four, for the record) to Madison.

I am a former self-proclaimed atheist, trying to find faith and learning a lot about myself. I'm currently in the process of doing a lot of reading and trying to find a Christian church I love.

I live in a house with my fiancé, two of my sons, my fiancés brother and his girlfriend, their two sons, a family cousin, and sometimes his three children. Plus two dogs, a mouse and a guinea pig. **deep breath** Still with me? Hang in there...

I'm trying to plan a wedding in...wait for it....wait for it...FIVE months. (Not even. Yikes!)

I want to start school, know...because I'm not busy enough with work, kids sports, potty training, doing laundry, wedding planning, etc.  (Seriously though, I am a licensed EMT and want to become an RN...hopefully to someday work in a trauma center.)

I want to become a runner. I have arthritis in one ankle. These two things do not jive. (Plus I totally LOATHE running...but I really WANT to love it. Hmph.)

I could go on...but you get the idea. Life is crazy around here. but I guess that's what is working for us right now. And ALL of this while still trying to figure out who I am, what I want, how to find time for the things I love (cooking, photography, reading, etc.) and learning how to (soon) be a good wife to my good man. We'll figure it out...just gotta find my way.

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